Thursday, August 20, 2009

West Houston IDPA Wednesday Match 8/19

Didn't do to bad, won ESP SS and was best overall in the match. I messed up the first stage though so my time could have been much better. I had some sort of trigger reset issue, whether it was a mental mistake or a mistake of how I was manipulating the trigger I am not sure. That along with pulling shots to the right added too many points down for my liking. I am pretty sure most of it was rushing which is not the same as going fast......need to work on that some more. My wife shot really well and is progressing very well. Yo can really see that things are starting to click for her and that she is working on the things she knew were giving her problems in the past, I am starting to get worried that she will be beating up on me before to long.

Overall it was an interesting match. The first stage had 2 clamshell targets that activate at the same time with "no shoots" coming up to block them. Each target required 2 rounds. Needless to say you had to be quick and trust the sights were on target since you had just enough time to squeeze the trigger 4 times before they disappeared. The third stage had something very similar except they were drop turners and didn't have a no shoot blocking them.

Lessons Learned:

What I did learn was that unless you are a mid-level Master or better your first goal should be putting rounds on paper. I watched most shooters concentrate so hard on getting clean hits that they spent way to much time lining up the sights and the targets were gone. Hits on the paper, even -3, are better than multiple misses, not even getting a shot off, or hitting a no shoot. You need to get the gun up and when the target presents itself it is a point and shoot drill. Adding much more than that into your thought process slows you down.

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